See your athlete doing the same thing over and over again?
Progressional Development.. Repetition
It seems so often now that the methods and progressions of tumbling training comes into question by parents. I came across this article by Tumbl Trak, one of the nationals leading suppliers of tumbling equipment that I believe will answer a lot of parents questions when it comes to how repetition is used for mastery of fundamental skills. Athletes and parents alike seem so eager to move towards skill goals without mastery of the fundamental skills that cause athletes to develop. The truth is that most skills don’t take a long time to learn, once the athletes are ready to learn them. Thus the shift from a parents perspective should be to spend your time and energy in the mastery phases of development and the rest will happen as expeditiously as possible.
See the below article, Parent Tip: Repetition, from Tumbl Traks March 2014 Newsletter!
Your child’s coach is having him or her repeat, what you consider, basic skills over and over and you may be wondering why this is useful when your child can do more advanced skills? The question really should be, can your child do more advanced skills…in a technically correct way…every time…with confidence? Most coaches agree that teaching basics is important, but a really good coach will ensure basic skills are dealt with daily in order for athletes to maximize their gymnastics achievements over the course of their careers. It is so important to not cut corners and focus only on preparing athletes for skills they will use in competition. So, the next time you see your child’s coach asking for repeats of basic skills, thank him or her for taking the time to focus on your child’s long-term growth and development in the sport.
For Tumbl Traks full March 2014 Newsletter, follow the link below
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